Can Generative AI Help Us Be Better Podcasters?

You know what the problem with most podcast repurposing tools is? As programmers say, garbage in, garbage out. If your inputs are bad, your outputs are bad. So today, we're going to look at how the hero's journey can help us write better podcast episodes, and that, in-turn, will give us better inputs for AI for content repurposing (AND planning). 

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Creators and Guests

Joe Casabona πŸŽ™οΈ βš™οΈ
Joe Casabona πŸŽ™οΈ βš™οΈ
Podcast and automation coach that blends content creation and technology like it's the best cup of coffee β˜• you've ever had. Dadx3. Yankees fan.
Can Generative AI Help Us Be Better Podcasters?
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