The Perfect Way to Describe Your Podcast (and get more listeners)

Does anyone know you so well, they can describe you in a single sentence?

When I was at Craft + Commerce, Mike Pacchione gave some great advice for when you tell stories:

When describing someone, use a single sentence that instantly tells the listener who they are. Here’s an example:

My dad always told people, “Joe would argue with Jesus Christ if he came off the cross.”

You probably think I’m…opinionated, to put it nicely.

You should do the same thing with your podcast, and episodes.

What would that look like?

If I’m describing my show  How I Built It , I might say, “You get free coaching sessions from the best creators.”

I can then extend that out to specific episodes. “You get one coaching session from Mike on Public Speaking,” for example.

For this show, I can say, "Bite-sized tips to help you improve your podcast process."

As you figure out the best one-liner for your podcast, keep your show’s mission in mind.

The one-liner can be based on the mission, or even define it.
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The Perfect Way to Describe Your Podcast (and get more listeners)
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