Grow Your Podcast with These 5 Steps

Here are 5 things you can do to grow your podcast:
1. Get a Decent Mic. You don’t need to spend $400, but you should use a decent USB mic. I recommend the ATR-2100x

2. Don’t just record and release. Too many people just record a Zoom call and release it as a podcast. Listeners expect more than that these days.

3. Do a little research. Don’t go in cold. If you’re interviewing someone, do some background work on them and don’t have them introduce themselves — get right to the heart of the interview. If it’s a solo show, fact-check yourself and have an outline.

4. Make it easy to share episodes. Have an easy-to-remember URL, and have the share buttons on the episodes page! Help people help you!

5. Make helpful social media posts. Don’t just point a link to the episode. Create useful content on the platform, then link to the episode for more context.

Each of these shows your listeners that you've decided to go the extra mile and put a little more effort into your show for them.

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Grow Your Podcast with These 5 Steps
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