Podcasts Replace School Bells (3 Things in Podcasting)

Hello, hello everybody, I hope you're doing well.

I thought that today I would live stream the three things In podcasting because I didn't do another live stream today.

So if you're listening to this post live stream on the feed you can Click a link in the description to subscribe to my youtube channel.

So, you know when I go live But otherwise, this is three things in podcasting for July 19th.

I know this is weird because it's I'm recording this on July 18th.

It's gonna get Released on July 19th, though.

So anyway, I've got three things in podcasting.

It was kind of a light week for me I try not to to cover The same stories that everybody's covering that said both of these stories I came across in the usual places pod news the podcast hosts and things like that, so That's okay because I think these are two really good stories.

The third one is one I wrote so I'll apologize in advance For the shameless self-promotion, but I think it's a really good story Worth covering in three things in podcasting, but we're gonna save that for the third thing.

So let's start with number one Podcasts replace bells.

That's really weird the full headline that I didn't fit on the card is many pods educational podcast drive funding for classrooms and so I thought that this was a very interesting use case for podcasts ABF creative the award-winning producer of kids and family podcast is proud to announce an innovative many pods initiative what they're doing and says it right here is Replaces traditional school bells with 30 second educational podcasts This is currently in a hundred twenty New York City public schools with plans to expand to Chicago and Los Angeles, I Think that this is a real interesting concept first of all because I hate the sound of school bells But also it's it's It's giving students kind of something to listen to as they're changing classrooms now.

I'm an old I'm 38 years old and So we didn't and I also went to a Catholic school.

So we weren't like allowed to do anything But you know if I wanted to listen to something while I was changing Classes I'd have to listen to a a Sony Discman a CD a portable CD player Which if you're moving is terrible.

I always thought it was really funny that You'd have like these like run with Run with your Walkman band because that's crazy.

Like that's just not Something that any reasonable person would do and like I know now that students have like They're always wearing a god I sound like such an old now I'm trying to adjust my lighting a little bit But I know students have I Have friends who work in schools and they say that students are always wearing headphones, right and so like maybe this is a way to Combat that a little bit like I don't know that that's like pure theory or maybe it's like not even in high schools, right, but Anyway, let's continue with this article because I think it's really interesting Integrate short educational content into the daily school routine promoting literacy and engagement among students Launched in February this program has already made significant impact garnering 20 million impressions and averaging nearly 5 million impressions per month Positive reviews from educators highlighting improvements in literacy and comprehension among students so I think it's very weird that the The first thing this press release mentions is like it's garnered so many impressions like yeah, it's like forced Listening right like you have a captive audience.

So This is not in this is not Impressive to me if this is true improvements in literacy and comprehension among students that is interesting and something I didn't see in this article or this press release is What schools it's in?

Tradition so like I Mean, I guess it's reasonable to assume high schools because high schools is where you're most likely to switch classes But I think you know, I I think I was switching classes as early as or I guess you would still have school bells Even if you weren't switching classes But like, you know, I don't know how how much Podcasting helps second graders so I would I would like to see like the age range of the students and a Little bit more data for more information about this transformative initiative Evolutionizes the classroom routine so like this is interesting to me.

Oh It even says captive captive audience.

They literally say that right here on the page.

So Anyway, I wanted to highlight this story because I think it's really interesting.

It's a unique way to get podcasts in front of more people I Get like I guess depending on the grade.

It's Gen Z or Gen Alpha But I know like Gen Z is all about podcasts even more than us Millennials Millennials like me I should say So I thought this was really interesting really unique way to apply podcasting By like just replacing a bell with with some helpful content okay, so the next story that I want to cover here is Has to do with guests and authority.

This is a topic that I think about a lot So this is from Katie Patterson over the over at the podcast host how to showcase expert guests without sacrificing your authority, I won't read the whole article, of course, but The first tip from Gabe from board game design lab Key takeaway don't be scared to share your own knowledge.

It's about getting balance And learning how to self regulate your input This is the main advice that I give to people who have an interview show but still want to You know increase their authority so what I'll generally tell them is like, okay you need to create that opportunity though, so Have someone that you can have a conversation with and then interject your own expertise This could be tough right because if you're you know, I'm a podcast coach I guess it's not really that tough actually right like when I was on crystal profits podcast for example Or I'm going on I'll be on a couple of other podcasts later this month with podcast producers It's very calm.

It was very conversational right we can kind of key off of each other and Talk more about it crystal came on my podcast too.

And so it's about having a conversation and establishing your authority and expertise Alongside theirs right your audience already trusts you and so when you have a guest you're lending your trust to the guest and You can help them deliver better content By having more of a discussion instead of just a profile So I thought this article was really good I Think this is this is really good right Gabe says it's actually been a little bit of a challenge There are times when I interview someone that I'm actually more of an expert But it's it's It's good to get other Input right so as you become more of an authority, it's hard if we were bigger You know, I mean, I guess this is fine like you don't need to have a guest who's bigger I think you just need to have a guest who has a Different perspective from you right because this is this is the other thing I I just recognize I'm like reading the article and I'll have it up but um This is the other thing Different people are going to value different things and so You know, maybe your guest doesn't like the way you do something or prefers a different approach or they're at a different stage I'm sorry a listener up like a potential customer.

All right someone who's listening and so You're offering them an alternative or you're showing them that you can be the alternative.

I think that's I think that's fine And like Vicki says right here.

Let me bring it.

So I'll bring up the story again for those watching It's not about who's the bigger expert but about using your platform to share knowledge and experiences.

This is it right different experiences different perspectives that's why you're bringing other people on and Then Andrea from mindful marketing Andrea Andrea.

Yeah, Andrea.

Oh, I know stupid.

I know Andrea I'm Invite guests who think or do things differently than you do this.

This is my favorite tip of the article right because You you still get to showcase your expertise and Then you get to offer that other perspective.

So if you have an interview show, I think the main takeaways here right are First of all, I don't really worry about competition per se You can compete In the pitching phase right or you can compete In Google, right, but when you invite somebody on your podcast, it's about having a discussion it's not about like seeing who can be the bigger expert and so you'll have to do some research on your guests and ask them good questions that You can start conversations with and add your input to and say oh, that's interesting I actually do it this way never heard that and also don't be afraid to push back a little bit, right?

it could be Friendly while also offering different perspectives.

I think a really good example of this actually Is Bill O'Reilly just went on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

They've had like a long Maybe tenuous relationship, but They are always respectful of each other and they always go on the show and like yeah, they rib each other but They don't let each other get one past each other if that makes sense, right?

So Bill will say something and John will push back John will push back and it's honestly like you can find one more disagreeable than the other but I think it's a good interview and John John and Bill are obviously both good interviewers and have been in the field a long time, but You don't have to fully agree with your guest and you also You can prop them up on your platform, you know, I think that you can have Both of those things and as long as you're creating really good content for your audience That's what that's the win Right.

The win is good content Helpful content.

So, all right and Let's get to the last thing The last thing is an article I wrote called overcoming the seven deadly sins of podcasting It's really long and I will have an episode that's gonna be like an audio version of this article So it'll have chat.

It's gonna be that's also gonna be long just cuz it's like I probably read like 800 words Nope, I probably read like a hundred words a minute and it's 3,300 words.

So you can do the math there I'll have chapter markers.

But anyway This is over a podcast workflows.com slash sins.

I'll have all of the links in the description for this episode but It's basically an article I wrote because I was thinking about The seven deadly sins as I often do I wouldn't say it's my Roman Empire, but it's something Mostly because I really like the movie seven but you know, I don't know it just come it comes across my mind from time to time and I thought I wonder what the seven deadly sins of podcasting look like and so I'll skip to this Kind of summarizing graphic that I have at the bottom But we've got lust which is chasing the current fad gluttony which is saying my show is for everyone Greed which is putting revenue above your audience Sloth which is not editing your podcast wrath which is creating controversy for clicks and V which is chasing downloads and pride which is doing everything yourself, so I had a lot of fun writing this article and creating these graphics and I'm gonna really milk it for the content No, and I really want to put it out there because I think you know I put a lot of thought into this is not just something I wrote in a day.

It took me Like a week to flesh out the concept and then maybe two weeks to really write it For all those people who are saying oh you can write a book in a day No, you can't not a good book.

That's see if I wanted a great wrath if I was being wrathful right now I would dive into that more but Sorry, I put a lot of effort into this and I'm very pleased with the way it came out I keep finding spelling errors.

I need to fix and stuff not like grammar errors Which is wild because I sent this to a bunch of people to read and there was not a lot of feedback on that not that I asked those people like proofread it, but nothing was I guess nothing was so glaring that like a handful of people caught it, but anyway Really pleased with the way it came out I kind of tell you like what the deadly sin is in podcasting or like what it is And then how it applies to podcasting and then how to avoid That deadly sin so it's not just like way you're doing everything wrong.

It's like hey, we all have done this stuff before and Here's how you can avoid it.

So really excited.

This is out.

I'll be put pushing out more content Around this over the next few weeks My mailing list is gonna get it first.

So if you want to sign up for my mailing list It's over at podcast workflows comm slash join Again, I'll have the links to everything in the description below if there's something you want me to cover on this Send me an email Joe at Casa Bona org or leave a comment.

I'm always looking for stuff And especially like the summer weeks Summer months could usually a little lighter last week notwithstanding But you know the summer months are a little lighter Because everyone's traveling and and things like that pod podcast movement is next month so I'm sure I'll have a lot to report then maybe I'll do a live show from there, but Yeah, if you have something for me to write about let me know but the the best way to stay in touch Podcast workflows comm slash join or subscribe wherever you get your podcast, but that's it for this episode Thanks so much for watching and into your listening.

Thanks so much for consuming this.

However, you are consuming it And until next time I'll see you out there there.

Podcasts Replace School Bells (3 Things in Podcasting)
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